John-C Reptiles

Page 5 - Crotaphytus (Collareds)

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Page 5 - Crotaphytus (Collareds)
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Page 7 - Uromastyx (Spiny tail Agama)

C dickersonae




These collared lizards occur in much of the US as well as Mexico. They are not only categorized by species but also by various locales where they occur. You will see a few photos of some of the ones I've worked with over the last few years as well as some of which I am presently working with.


The collareds are small in size when compared to many of the lizards found in the US and Mexico. They are quick to jump and can easily reach a height three to four times their size. When surprised or scared they can run a good distance at a pretty good speed while on their hind legs. The males especially can be quite colorful and each locale color seems to vary from one area to another. They do very well in a sizeable tank or cage as they are quite active and can cover the length of their enclosures in no time. The wc seem to do well after their acclimation phase and the cb are mostly calm and gentle as they seem to look forward to an occasional petting sessions.


Collareds are mainly insectivores but can quickly adapt to added foods such as my turkey salad. They do well on play sand with a few rocks and a good climbing branch or grapevine to play on. A hide for them to sleep/nap in and a bowl of fresh water helps make a good setup. A single collared, a pair or even a trio can be kept together. I have housed larger groups with two to three males in it without any cage mate aggression to speak of. Good UVB cage lighting and a warm basking site is necessary in order for them to thrive in captivity.

C vestigium

C collaris (auriceps)
AZ & UT yellowheads

C bincinctores
NV Trio

C collaris trio from eastern New Mexico

Here are some color / pattern

variations as shown in these

New Mexico eastern C collaris


Some of the C collaris can be quite beautiful as their colors as well as patterns can vary from one locale to the next. Some good examples are these New Mexico eastern collareds which were collected by my friend David Rutherford. The colors and patterns are quite unique and only found in certain eastern New Mexico locals. Some are quite interesting such as in the yellow phase trio while others look as if Picasso himself preformed some abstract art work across their backs as in the banded pair shown. One of my favorites I received from David is the nicely dotted female which seems to show a unique shadowing effect as the darker spots are outlined by a lighter gray color. She’s been dubbed “Bubbles” and is one of my favorites, which David from ‘Reptiles R Us’ also collected.

C collaris pair from eastern New Mexico

C collaris from eastern New Mexico
Female "Bubbles"

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