This page is all about caring for that little baby lizard
which you took a fancy to. It is very important to house your newly acquired scaly juvenile
properly and this includes tank or cage size, proper heating and lighting, cage furnishings
such as substrates, rocks, branches, hides as well food/water dishes.
Proper food as well as certain vitamins/supplements are also important.
Most of the cb juveniles that I send out are
usually a minimum of two months old. By this
time I can determine if they are strong and healthy enough for an overnight shipping trip to their new homes.
Depending on which species someone might decide
on, the husbandry may vary a little. For instance a young
Uromastyx would be kept on a paper substrate till it is at
least 6 months old and a normal/good size for that age. Same goes for a few
other species although some are good to go on sand etc within the first week or
two but this really depends on the species. The cage furnishing,
food etc might vary a little from species to
species but not to worry as a basic juvenile care sheet will
accompany lil "Spike".
Most young juveniles will drink water throughout the
day while under the warm cage lighting so as to remain well hydrated.
A good cage temperature gradient is very important
as the little guy will need a nice warm basking site at one end as well
as a somewhat cooler side at the other end so it can better regulate optimum
body temperature by merely moving from one end of it's tank to the other.
A good UVB light is also necessary in order for them
to absorb the ultra violet vit-b rays through the skin. The UVB rays combined with
the warm basking sessions helps to increase activity and appetite. Also
it aids in good digestion and normal/regular fecal elimination but most importantly,
this UVB absorption will keep their little bones strong and healthy.