John-C Reptiles

Page 4 - Gallotia

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Page 4 - Gallotia
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Gallotia stehlini - adult pair
The Beast & Smiley 3/18/07

This page is about some of the Canary

Island Gallotia species and sub species

that I've been working with for the last

three years. The larger Gallotia

stehlini, the very colorful Gallotia g 

eisentrauti and the smaller and quite

colorful Gallotia a atlantica to name

a few. These are quite interesting

while displaying their unusual features

and beautiful colors. Many of the

Canary Island Gallotia are often

dubbed the"barking lizards" as they

let out a squeak, that resembles the

sound of a new born puppy. Often

while courting or merely by picking one up as one might let you know that they were surprised and let out a squeak or two. Sometimes as dusk is approaching you can hear the faint squeaks throughout the lizard room as if to mimic John Boy's late night ritual as the Waltons bid each other a good night.


The Canary Island Gallotia are pretty easy going as cb. I have also worked with newly acquired wc which are somewhat flighty at first but after a few months in captivity seem to calm down considerably as they become more curious, especially when they know that treats are coming. As hatchlings and young juveniles they tend to crave more insects but as yearlings and older they begin to eat more of a varied diet of greens, veggies and even canned ground chicken dog food and a lick or two of some banana/strawberry low fat yogurt. I still offer the adults insects but as an occasional treat.




Gallotia stehlini juveniles
Hatched 7/18/07

The G stehlini are one of the largest Gallotia species which occur in the Gran Canaria Island. An adult male can get quite large at between 500 to 700 grams and close to 2’ in total length although two thirds of that is their long tail. Females being just a bit smaller and lack the large jowls that the males develop by the time they reach sub adult size. Their bodies are full and robust and are mostly shades of browns while often displaying a nice orange color in the throat and jowl area.


The pair shown in the top photo is a proven pair which can easily produced two clutches per season if worked properly. Their clutch size average from 10-12 eggs after a short 3-½ week gestation period. The babies hatch out at close to 7” in total length and can grow quickly sometimes doubling their hatch size by the time they are yearlings. I find these gentle giants of the Gran Canaria Island to be one of the calmest of the Gallotia I’ve worked with. Especially when captive bred.


The stehlini do well on play sand with a few rocks and a low/heavy branch to climb on or crawl under. They are surprisingly quick and agile and could climb with ease but seem to prefer staying down near or on the substrate throughout the day.


The second photo shows 10 juveniles which were close to two months old at the time this photo was taken. They do well together as juveniles but you might find one or two which should be separated by the time they’re close to yearling age as this is about the time a bit of territorial aggression might be seen.

G g eisentrauti - adult male

Gallotia galloti eisentrauti  


The medium sized eisentrauti is one of the prettiest of the Gallotia sub species. The mature males especially can display some satin black ground color with some small drab green banding across their backs and some bright blue spotting along their sides  as well as a soft blue tone on their jowls. Males can reach a total length of close to 15” in total length. Females are usually an inch or two shorter and not quite as colorful as the adult males although they show a variety of browns and often you will find a few females showing some nice blue spotting on their sides as well.


These G g eisentrauti occur in the northern region of Tenerife (Canary Island chain). Eisentrauti can easily produce three clutches per season with each clutch averaging from 5-8 eggs. Their gestation period is also about 3-1/2 weeks. Babies hatch out at close to six inches in total length and can reach close to double that as yearlings.


These are a bit quicker than the fore mentioned stehlini and a close eye should be kept on the juveniles when housed together as territorial aggression seems to occur much earlier than in the calmer stehlini. I offer them lots of hides, branches and rocks to climb on which seems to keep peace in the viv longer. Regular feedings with a variety of insects, greens and fruit keeps them well occupied and away from early aggression.

G g eisentrauti
Two month old juveniles



This is one of the smaller Gallotia sub species which occur in the northern coast of the Lanzarote Island (Canary Island chain) near the Porte Del Carmen.


This male shown is outstanding while displaying some attractive blue on its sides. The ground coloration changes from dark gray to black depending on it’s mood and/or body temperature.


They average around 10-11 inches in total length with the svl being from 3 to 3-1/2 inches in the adult males. Females being just a little smaller and not as colorful as the males. These little G a atlantica make up in color what they lack in size.


Their diet, care and general husbandry are similar to the fore mentioned Gallotia on this page.

Gallotia atlantica atlantica
G a atlantica adult male

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